The Frugal Foodie

Thanksgiving Menu Planner

Good gravy, I am ready for this meal:

This is a fantastic menu for seasoned & beginner cooks alike.  And more importantly, it is a collection of recipes that are delicious and EASY, without so much as whispering "My First Attempt at Thanksgiving Dinner."  Now, I know that many people have their tried & true dishes they make year after year.  If you fall into this category, it is likely that your Turkey Day guests will be incensed that you try anything else.  But if you're in the mood for a change or the type that likes to keep people on their toes or the type that would make any of these recipes for a non-Thanksgiving meal (heeeey, NOW we're talkin!) & enjoy!

Click on the image of the menu above or the following link below
& add this week's FREE Menu Planner to your gratitude list!
November Week Three - Thanksgiving Menu Planner

Happy Thanksgiving!